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Funeral Flowers

Here at Flowers Of Solihull, we understand that saying goodbye to a family member, friend, or loved one is never easy. That's why we're here to offer our heartfelt support during this difficult time.

Sending flowers is a beautiful way to express your condolences, and our range of funeral tributes has something for everyone. From simple and elegant bouquets to personalized letter tributes, we have a variety of options to honor your loved one's memory. We deliver across Solihull and the surrounding areas.

Take a look at our gallery or facebook page to see some floral tributes we’ve delivered recently or call us on 07943774204. If you have any specific requests or would like to discuss your needs further, please don't hesitate to give us a call and we can help you choose a fitting tribute for your loved one. 

Wreath SYM-320
Wreath SYM-316
Gypsophila Heart
Gates Of Heaven SYM-365
Horse shoe SYM-371
Eco Wreath-354
Horse Head SYM-364
Rugby Ball.